Results for 'Arnin Rommel Pinheiro Braga'

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  1.  16
    (1 other version)O Estranho e o Oriente: Horizontes da Hermenêutica da Coexistência Cotidiana de Martin Heidegger.Bráulio Marques Rodrigues & Arnin Rommel Pinheiro Braga - 2022 - Complexitas – Revista de Filosofia Temática 1 (1).
    Já em Ser e Tempo (1927), Martin Heidegger enuncia como a tarefa do pensamento que corresponde a um modo de pensar que deve partir do diálogo imediato com outros, promovendo uma abertura cognitiva e hermenêutica que exercita uma nova forma de enxergar no pensamento. O objeto de interpretação neste trabalho é o poema O estranho, de Max Martins, no qual se busca enxergar como se dá essa relação com o outro onde o estranhamento pode ser característico de um encontro com (...)
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    Inflexões da ética da alteridade em Byung-Chul Han: modos de enfrentamento à catástrofe do dataísmo.Camila Braga Soares Pinto & Leandro Pinheiro Chevitarese - 2024 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 14 (2):e85933.
    Tendo em vista o excesso de positividade e máximo desempenho presentes na Sociedade do Desempenho, Byung-Chul Han retoma o diálogo sobre a transição das sociedades disciplinares de Foucault e de controle de Deleuze, diagnosticando a condição de violência psicopolítica e o aprisionamento narcísico, em um cenário de catástrofe presente no atual regime de informação que configura o dataísmocomo uma das principais ferramentas do sistema neoliberal. Este artigo visa investigar outros modos de existência civilizacional, a partir dos desafios de reincorporação da (...)
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    Business Ethics and the Brain: Rommel Salvador and Robert G. Folger.Rommel Salvador & Robert G. Folger - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (1):1-31.
    ABSTRACT:Neuroethics, the study of the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying ethical decision-making, is a growing field of study. In this review, we identify and discuss four themes emerging from neuroethics research. First, ethical decision-making appears to be distinct from other types of decision-making processes. Second, ethical decision-making entails more than just conscious reasoning. Third, emotion plays a critical role in ethical decision-making, at least under certain circumstances. Lastly, normative approaches to morality have distinct, underlying neural mechanisms. On the basis of (...)
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    Faith and Fair Trade: The Moderating Role of Contextual Religious Salience.Rommel O. Salvador, Altaf Merchant & Elizabeth A. Alexander - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (3):353-371.
    Normative and historical arguments support the idea that religion potentially shapes decisions to support fair trade products. That said, the question of how religion influences organizational decision-makers to purchase fair trade products in a business-to-business context has remained largely unaddressed. This research examines the interactive effect of individual religious commitment and contextual religious salience on an individual’s willingness to pay a price premium for a fair trade product, when buying on behalf of an organization. Findings from two experimental studies reveal (...)
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    The renewal of dewey — trends in the nineties.Roswitha Lehmann-Rommel - 2000 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 19 (1):187-218.
    This article proposes that the `renewal' of Dewey might contributeto filling the gap between the pedagogical commitment tocontingency and plurality and the fact that the pedagogicaltradition, until now, has neutralized contingency and deniedits systematic meaning for education. Therefore, the maintraits of the `renewal of Dewey' are shown in thework of some Dewey scholars who, critically and creatively,reconstruct Dewey in the mirror of poststructural, communicational and constructive theory developments.Following Dewey, these researches balance the objectiveevaluation of Dewey's work by a deliberate and (...)
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    Organizational environmental orientation and employee environmental in‐role behaviors: A cross‐level study.Rommel O. Salvador & Alex Burciaga - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (1):98-113.
    Amid the growth of scholarly research on environmental workplace behaviors, two limitations stand out. First, there has been scant research on the cross‐level effects of organizational‐level determinants on individual employee environmental behaviors using a methodologically appropriate multilevel analytic approach. Second, there has been an overwhelming focus on voluntary, as opposed to task‐related, employee environmentally friendly behaviors. In addressing these limitations, this field study (N = 615 U.S.‐based employees nested in 51 organizations) makes a theoretical and empirical contribution to the literature, (...)
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    Actitud frente al hábito de la lectura en jóvenes de 10° del INSEAQ.Rommel Álvarez Mosquera, Yucy Mosquera Torres & Ciro Ernesto Redondo Mendoza - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (4):1-10.
    El presente estudio pretende describir las actitudes más frecuentes, que demuestran estudiantes de educación media, frente a la lectura y los factores que inciden en el gusto o disgusto por ella, pues es de vital importancia poder conocer y descubrir las dificultades que puedan tener los estudiantes en su proceso lector, ya que un temprano conocimiento de aquellas dificultades posibilita la prevención de dificultades específicas de aprendizaje, miedos o desórdenes de hábitos lectores. El estudio se realizó por medio de la (...)
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    Partizipation, Selbstreflexion und Rückmeldung: gouvernementale Regierungspraktiken im Feld Schulentwicklung.Roswitha Lehmann-Rommel - 2004 - In Norbert Ricken & Markus Rieger-Ladich, Michel Foucault: pädagogische Lektüren. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. pp. 261--283.
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    Menschenwürde und Achtung.Herbert Rommel - 2022 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 129 (1):6-26.
    Human rights thinking interprets absolute human dignity as the moral reason for respecting oneself and all other persons. In the current dignity debate, this justification is increasingly being criticised. It is claimed that human dignity is not the moral reason but a consequence of acts of respect. In this regard, the explosive question arises as to which moral reason should replace human dignity. It must be noted that the concept of human dignity as a consequence of personal conduct are not (...)
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  10. Renouncing Hegel, the hermeneutic phenomenology of Ricoeur, Paul-on the awarding of the Hegel-prize of the city of stuttgart to Ricoeur, Paul.M. Rommel, O. Poggeler & F. Hogemann - 1988 - Hegel-Studien 23:245-264.
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    Reexamining the “Discussion” in the Moral Dilemma Discussion.Rommel O. Salvador - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (1):241-256.
    Cumulative evidence points to the effectiveness of moral dilemma discussion as a pedagogical strategy. However, much of the extant empirical research has been limited to investigating its effect on moral judgment. In addition, the potentially distinct effects of the two major components of the intervention, the intrapersonal contemplation and the interpersonal discussion that follows, have been barely examined. Using the Trolley Problem, this quasi-experimental study (N = 115) examined the effectiveness of moral dilemma discussion and of intrapersonal moral dilemma contemplation (...)
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    Kant’s Moral Theory and Demandingness.Alice Pinheiro Walla - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (4):731-743.
    In this paper, I sketch a Kantian account of duties of rescue, which I take to be compatible with Kant’s theory. I argue that there is in fact no “trumping relation” between imperfect and perfect duties but merely that “latitude shrinks away” in certain circumstances. Against possible demandingness objections, I explain why Kant thought that imperfect duty must allow latitude for choice and argue that we must understand the necessary space for pursuing one’s own happiness as entailed by Kant’s justification (...)
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    (1 other version)Common Possession of the Earth and Cosmopolitan Right.Alice Pinheiro Walla - 2016 - Kant Studien 107 (1):160-178.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 107 Heft: 1 Seiten: 160-178.
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  14. History in Political Philosophy: Refutation and Imagination.Victor Braga Weber - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    This article discusses the significance of historical research in normative political philosophy. Methodologically ahistoricist philosophers argue that historical research has limited relevance to political philosophy as it only serves to validate if a theory is sufficiently historically fact-sensitive. However, this perspective allows for minimal engagement with intellectual history. In contrast, I advocate for a more substantial role of historical research, suggesting that it not only provides evidence to refute political philosophical views but also serves as a source of imaginative resources. (...)
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    Antonie Wlosok: Rom und die Christen. (Der altsprachliche Unterricht, Beiheft 1 zu Reihe XIII). Klett-Verlag, Stuttgart 1970, 78 S.; 10 S. (Textbeilage). [REVIEW]P. Rommel - 1972 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 24 (2):176-176.
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    A new causality for the understanding of the living.Lucia Santaella Braga - 1999 - Semiotica 127 (1-4):497-520.
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    Happiness in Kant’s Practical Philosophy: Morality, Indirect Duties, and Welfare Rights.Alice Pinheiro Walla - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book analyses Kant’s assumptions about happiness and the implications they have for his moral, political, and legal thought. It provides a “map” of the different areas in which the concept of happiness appears in his practical philosophy and examines how it relates to the main themes of his practical philosophy.
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  18.  8
    Imagination, Multimodality, and Sound.Joaquim Braga - 2019 - In Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard, Mads Walther-Hansen & Martin Knakkergaard, The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Imagination, Volume 1. Oxford Handbooks.
    Joaquim Braga deals with the role of sound in multimodal environments and multimodal surfaces. He argues that imagination not only bridges sensory dimensions that are absent from perception but also is central to “the relationship of presence,” that is, the connection between presently perceived sensory input. This involves assessing both the individuating dimension and the relational disposition of sound, which allows sound—through the activation of imagination—to develop sensory relations. Central to his discussion of the function and contribution of sound (...)
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  19.  57
    The mytical foundation of the equality in Plato’s Politeia.Jorge Espinoza Cáceres & Rommel Hernández - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (3):155-170.
    RESUMEN:El siguiente escrito ensaya una interpretación del rendimiento del mito de los metales expuesto por Platón en su diálogo llamado Politeia a propósito de la siguiente interrogación: ¿Cómo se constituye el orden social en la pólis platónica? Para responder a esta pregunta debemos esclarecernos respecto de: i) El papel de la educación en la constitución del orden social. ii) La correlación entre el mito de los metales y el orden social. iii) La constitución tripartita de la psykhḗ humana. Una vez (...)
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  20. Association with immorality explains HIV stigma in the USA.Shahin Davoudpour, Rommel O. Salvador & Gregory Phillips - 2025 - Public Health Ethics 18 (1).
    Four decades after the first reported case of HIV, the stigma surrounding an HIV diagnosis remains a significant challenge. This persistence, even amid numerous destigmatization efforts, has posed a puzzle for both scholars and policymakers. In this study, we explore the concept of morality attached to HIV status to shed light on this ongoing stigma. Utilizing data from the 2021 and 2022 waves of the General Social Survey, we examined the relationship between comfort in proximity to people with HIV (PWH) (...)
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    The Developmental Trajectory of the Operational Momentum Effect.Pedro Pinheiro-Chagas, Daniele Didino, Vitor G. Haase, Guilherme Wood & André Knops - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  22.  29
    An Institutional Approach to Ethical Human Resource Management Practice: Comparing Brazil, Colombia and the UK.Beatriz Maria Braga, Eduardo de Camargo Oliva, Edson Keyso de Miranda Kubo, Steve McKenna, Julia Richardson & Terry Wales - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (1):57-76.
    The impact of contextual influences on human resource management and management more generally has been the focus of much scholarly interest. However, we still know very little about how context impacts on the practice of ethical HRM specifically. Therefore, drawing on 59 in-depth interviews with HR practitioners in Brazil, Colombia and the UK, this paper theorizes how they perceive the ethical dimensions of their roles within their respective national contexts and how the way they act in relation to them is (...)
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  23.  18
    Método e questão judaica em Hannah Arendt.Romildo Gomes Pinheiro - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (2):239-262.
    Resumo: O artigo procura identificar o núcleo metodológico das Origens do Totalitarismo, na estrutura comparativa entre França e Alemanha, espécie de sociologia histórico-comparativa na qual Arendt narra as origens do Nazismo e do Stalinismo. Nessa acepção, as origens ideológicas do III Reich e do Stalinismo devem ser buscadas no Racismo, e não na homologia estabelecida entre Nazismo e Comunismo, a partir da equivalência entre a ideologia da luta de classes e da luta de raças e a prática do Terror. Desse (...)
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    X-chromosome-located microRNAs in immunity: might they explain male/female differences?: the X chromosome-genomic context may affect X-located miRNAs and downstream signaling, thereby contributing to the enhanced immune response of females.Iris Pinheiro, Lien Dejager & Claude Libert - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (11):791-802.
    In this paper, we hypothesize that X chromosome-associated mechanisms, which affect X-linked genes and are behind the immunological advantage of females, may also affect X-linked microRNAs. The human X chromosome contains 10% of all microRNAs detected so far in the human genome. Although the role of most of them has not yet been described, several X chromosome-located microRNAs have important functions in immunity and cancer. We therefore provide a detailed map of all described microRNAs located on human and mouse X (...)
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  25.  17
    Embodiment and Representation in Digital Mediation.Joaquim Braga - 2024 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 28 (3):262-283.
    The central thesis of this paper is that in digital media the operations and representations of the human body reveal close somatic and aesthetic links with each other, the latter often working as forms of mitigation of the effects of the former. I will argue, therefore, that, in the digital domain, the modes and contents of representation should not be understood without the embodied relations inherent to the use of devices. For this to be feasible, it is essential to formulate (...)
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    Contingência e análise infinita em Leibniz.Ulysses Pinheiro - 2001 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 42 (104):72-96.
  27.  33
    Conceiving Virtuality: From Art to Technology.Joaquim Braga (ed.) - 2019 - Cham: Springer.
    This book provides new theoretical approaches to the subject of virtuality. All chapters reflect the importance of extending the analysis of the concept of “the virtual” to areas of knowledge that, until today, have not been fully included in its philosophical foundations. The respective chapters share new insights on art, media, psychic systems and technology, while also presenting new ways of articulating the concept of the virtual with regard to the main premises of Western thought. Given its thematic scope, this (...)
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    Human Nature and the Right to Coerce in Kant’s Doctrine of Right.Alice Pinheiro Walla - 2014 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 96 (1):126–139.
    This paper explores the alleged role of a conception of human nature for Kant’s justification of the duty to leave the state of nature and the related right to coerce others to enter the civil condition in the Doctrine of Right (1797). I criticise the interpretation put forward by Byrd and Hruschka, according to which Kant’s postulate of public right is a preventive measure based on a “presumption of badness” of human beings. Although this reading seems to be supported by (...)
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    Contribuições da psicanálise para a formação docente em cursinho popular.Welber Pinheiro & Marcelo Pereira - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 18 (32):311-330.
    O artigo se propõe a pensar a importância de uma formação de professores orientada pela psicanálise. Destaca as particularidades vividas e demandadas aos docentes e futuros docentes em cursinhos populares, seus desafios e contradições. Apesar da marcante e fundamental importância em estabelecer espaços de fala que acolha a subjetividade dos futuros professores, compreendemos que esses espaços devem atuar também na política da instituição, um espaço que acolha demandas para além de subjetividades individuais.
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    A solution to the sorites.Marcia R. Pinheiro - 2006 - Semiotica 2006 (160):307-326.
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  31. Inferências e subdeterminações na filosofia da ciência.Félix Flores Pinheiro & Raoni Wohnrath Arroyo - 2022 - Princípios 29 (60):339-357.
    Este artigo discute a relação entre a questão das inferências nos contextos de justificação em ciência, nomeadamente o que ficou conhecido por “problema da indução” após Hume, em vista de esclarecer diferentes versões dos problemas de subdeterminação na filosofia da ciência.
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    Peirce and biology.Lucia Santaella Braga - 1999 - Semiotica 127 (1-4):5-22.
  33.  12
    Capital-as-presence and Space-as-absence: The Language of Neoliberalism and the Narrative of Capital in Glenn Diaz's The Quiet Ones.Rogelio Braga - 2024 - Kritike 18 (2):98-120.
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    Natural sciences, technology and foresight: an approach based on Ernst Cassirer’s symbol theory.Joaquim Braga - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (3):419-435.
    As much as it is rooted in empirical facts, the concept of truth in natural sciences and technology has core dimensions marked by the sphere of the possible. As can be inferred from Cassirer’s symbol theory, this is, in both cultural forms, a structuring mode of their symbolic constitution and differentiation. But when the coupling of the two increases (as currently happens with the new pictorial forms of scientific prediction), it is necessary to know the major repercussions imposed on the (...)
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    Comentário a “Ciência Precautória: sistematização e proposta de definição da precaução epistêmica”: uma ciência que está ciente de suas responsabilidades.Félix Flores Pinheiro - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e02400210.
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    Filosofia da Diferença e Pragmatismo: as oficinas de conceitos filosóficos como ferramentas da prática intersubjetiva da discussão razoável.Antonio Saturnino Braga - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-32.
    Resumo: O objetivo do presente trabalho é defender a uma perspectiva de ensino de filosofia baseada na compreensão pragmatista da prática intersubjetiva da argumentação racional, temperada por outro lado com a ênfase deleuziana na diferenciação e na singularidade das situações problemáticas, tomadas como situações que motivam as argumentações e discussões capazes de promover transformações políticas do mundo social. Na primeira seção introduzimos nossa perspectiva através da comparação de duas propostas mais diretamente vinculadas à questão da educação e do ensino de (...)
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    Adolescência, escola e o tempo na pandemia.Cláudia Braga de Andrade, Luciana Coutinho, Andréa Martello, Aline Araújo Lewenkopf & Daniel Bitencourt - forthcoming - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação.
    O artigo se propõe a pensar o retorno dos adolescentes às escolas após a pandemia fazendo a articulação entre conceitos psicanalíticos e a importância da escola na transição que a adolescência representa para a constituição psíquica do sujeito. A partir de uma experiência de pesquisa-extensão em uma escola com estudantes do Ensino Médio, pensamos sobre como o laço social contemporâneo impacta os modos de subjetivação e a educação, relacionando-o ao mal-estar nos estudantes adolescentes nos contextos educativos brasileiros. Além disso, a (...)
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    Le réel comme matiére dans le premier enseignement de Jacques Lacan.Pietro Braga - 2024 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 6 (2):66-84.
    Les premiers Séminaires de Jacques Lacan (1953-1959) offrent une élaboration systématique des notions de l’Imaginaire et du Symbolique, mais font référence de façon seulement sporadique à la notion du Réel. Malgré la rareté des références, la conception du Réel que l’on peut en déduire est précise et cohérente, et confirmée par les séminaires successifs – au moins jusqu’au Séminaire XI (1964). Le Réel est à comprendre comme une matière indéterminée qui, tout en pâtissant du signifiant, lui résiste. Ceci constitue une (...)
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    Eye Movements during Auditory Attention Predict Individual Differences in Dorsal Attention Network Activity.Rodrigo M. Braga, Richard Z. Fu, Barry M. Seemungal, Richard J. S. Wise & Robert Leech - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  40.  23
    Disrupção subjetiva e crítica social: surrealismo e imagens de pensamento benjaminianas.Francisco De Ambrosis Pinheiro Machado - 2016 - Filosofia E Educação 8 (1):92.
    A vanguarda surrealista, em suas manifestações literárias e artísticas dos anos 1920, explorava as imagens de caráter disruptivo como uma forma de transformar a arte e a vida cotidiana. Influenciado pelos surrealistas, Walter Benjamin, em seu livro Rua de mão única, publicado em 1928, elaborou um diagnóstico crítico de seu presente histórico e apontou o caminho para uma possível transformação do mesmo, explorando uma forma filosófico-literária que denominou imagem de pensamento. Pressupondo a fundamental influência do surrealismo nesta e em toda (...)
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  41. Lucian's satire or Philosophy on sale.Marília P. Futre Pinheiro - 2015 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 15:71-79.
    Famous philosophers and their conceits became the target of Lucian's satirical verve in many of his works. However, in Philosophies for Sale, Lucian offers an original view of philosophy. Just like a marketing expert would, Lucian treats philosophy as a product that is designed to satisfy the customers' needs, and whose nature is decisively influenced by consumer forces. My discussion is inspired by the main analytic tools and the basic core concepts of marketing. I argue that in Philosophies for Sale (...)
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    O Debate Metodológico das Ciências Sociais na Teoria Crítica: entre Max Horkheimer e Jürgen Habermas.Amaro Xavier Braga Jr - 2023 - Aufklärung 10 (1):29-40.
    Structured in an essayistic manner, the work examines the debate instituted in Critical Theory around the methodology of social sciences and the tension between traditional Theory and the proposal of Critical Theory. It proposes to compare the particularities of this debate in the work of Max Horkheimer and Jürgen Habermas, establishing their tangencies and convergences, mainly in the discourse on the role of the emancipatory structuring of critical theory in the methodology of social sciences. Emphasizing how in the work of (...)
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  43. Ambivalence Predicts Symptomatology in Cognitive-Behavioral and Narrative Therapies: An Exploratory Study.Cátia Braga, António P. Ribeiro, Inês Sousa & Miguel M. Gonçalves - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Difficulties and strategies in applying Peirce’s semiotics.Lucia Santaella Braga - 1993 - Semiotica 97 (3-4):401-410.
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  45. Simulation and Dissimulation. Mandeville’s Satirical View of Commercial Society.Joaquim Braga - 2015 - In Edmundo Balsemão Pires & Joaquim Braga, Bernard de Mandeville's Tropology of Paradoxes: Morals, Politics, Economics, and Therapy. Berlin/New York: Springer International Publishing.
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  46. Filosofia, saúde, alma e corpo no Cármides de Platão.Marcus Reis Pinheiro - 2005 - Princípios 12 (17):173-182.
    Trata-se de analisar aspectos do diálogo Cármides que corroborem a necessidade de uma entrega total da alma na investigaçáo filosófica. A filosofia de Platáo náo pode ser compreendida sem se levar em conta a transformaçáo pessoal necessária em sua investigaçáo. Mesmo defendendo que a filosofia deva ser exercida eminentemente pela razáo, Platáo náo abre máo de que tal racionalidade transforme a pessoa como um todo, para que se alcance a vida boa.
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  47. As cristãs novas e as práticas e interditos alimentares judaicos no P alimentares judaicos no Portugal moderno.Isabel Mr Mendes Drumond Braga - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
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    Déclarations D'Indépendance: Le Problème de la Fondation du Pouvoir Chez Arendt, Derrida Et Negri.Romildo Gomes Pinheiro - 2014 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 6 (11):97-131.
    O texto procura problematizar o conceito de poder constituinte segundo a leitura das revolutions modernes empreendida por H. Arendt. Procura-se reconstruir o quadro histórico da autora desenvolvido na obra On revolution seguindo o desdobramento do conceito de poder constituinte nas analises de Jacques Derrida e Antonio Negri.
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    Time, Space, and Care.Joaquim Braga - 2021 - In Joaquim Braga & Mário Santiago de Carvalho, Philosophy of Care. New Approaches to Vulnerability, Otherness and Therapy. Advancing Global Bioethics, vol. 16. Cham, Suiça: Springer.
    In a first approach, “caring” can be understood as a way of articulating time in full agreement with the need of others. Therefore, and thanks to care, we profit with the access to a peculiar consciousness of time which transcends the practical time of caring and simultaneously fosters and frames our own perception of time itself. Nevertheless, we know that in several care institutions there is a kind of “economic time” which is necessary both to the meeting with the most (...)
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  50.  8
    O Vir a Ser Próprio Ou Impróprio, a Angústia, o Ser-Para-a-Morte e Os Fazeres da Psicoterapia.José Olinda Braga & Crisostomo Lima do Nascimento - 2024 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 15 (29):106-119.
    O texto que aqui se apresenta tem por objetivo principal o desvelamento das possíveis relações entre a noção de ser-para-a-morte desenvolvida pelo filósofo alemão Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) em sua analítica existencial do Dasein desenvolvida em sua obra precípua, Ser e tempo, em vias de se empreender uma Ontologia Fundamental, e seus fenômenos tangentes, angústia e processo apropriativo, e os fazeres da psicoterapia.
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